In 1869, John went to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Snow levels in the Sierra Nevada mountains are below normal for the third year in a row.
Mono Lake is located on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains at the junction of Highways 395 and 120.
This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento valley to near the crest of the sierra Nevada mountains.
Quaking aspen trees in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains are resplendent in shimmering foliage and white bark.
Another strangely beautiful early morning shot of the tufa formations, with the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background.
In the winter, heavy snow falls in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Yosemite. The snow usually begins to fall in the month of November.
Some scenic spots there include the Big Sur coastline, the alpine beauty of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the awesome Mojave desert.
They soon encountered rough terrain and numerous delays, and they eventually became trapped by heavy snowfall high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
On the other, a big share of California's water supply is threatened by decreasing snowfalls in the Sierra Nevada mountains-a change attributed to global warming.
另一方面,加州很大一部分供水受到Sierra Nevada山区降雪减少的威胁——又是全球变暖的错。
Southern California gets its water from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Colorado River Basin, which are hundreds of miles to the north and west, respectively.
南加州的水源来自北边的内华达山脉(Sierra Ncvada Mountain)和西边的科罗拉多河流域(Colorado River Basin),都有数百英里远。
On this day in 1847, the first rescuers reach surviving members of the Donner Party, a group of California-bound emigrants stranded by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
After suffering great hardships in the Wasatch Mountains, the great Salt Lake Desert and along the Humboldt River, they finally reached the Sierra Nevada Mountains in early October.
LADWP will construct a new transmission line and substation to connect the Pine Tree project site to a high-voltage transmission line running up the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
There are hundreds of ski resorts in the mountains of the USA, the Rockies, the Sierra Nevada and the Appalachians. You can ski in Britain too.
The Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Mountains meet in Plumas County, and fall color against the grey backdrop of the volcanic rock that covers the region makes for dramatic views.
内华达山脉和喀斯喀特山脉相连接于普卢默斯县,秋季的色彩反衬着覆盖该地区火山岩的灰色背景。 造成了引人注目的景致。
Other mobile belts include the North American Cordillera, which includes the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, and the Himalayas.
其他活动地带包括有北美的科迪勒拉(Cordillera)(其中有洛基山脉(Rocky Mountains)和内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada))和喜马拉雅山脉。
PIETER HOFF: "if you look at nature, and I give an example in your own country, if you look to the Rocky mountains of the Sierra Nevada, you find trees all over the mountains."
PIETER HOFF: "if you look at nature, and I give an example in your own country, if you look to the Rocky mountains of the Sierra Nevada, you find trees all over the mountains."