The buyer has to sign a delivery note as proof of receipt.
Note that while both tools allow the user to generate self-signed certificates, neither tool allows the user to sign a certificate.
But when users shows no sign of ending their phone calls or pulling themselves away from what they're doing, leave a note on their desk asking them to call you when they are free - and walk out.
If you need two incomes to qualify for a home loan then both of you will have to sign the promissory note and be legally obligated to pay back the debt.
Note: Sometimes chronic fatigue can be a sign of deeper problems.
Second thing I want to note is, the little hash mark or the pound sign, that's identifying a comment.
Also interesting to note is how SCA came about as a co-opetition effort first and then moved to a standards body, a sign, I think, of the growing maturity of the industry overall.
同时有件非常有趣的事情必须被注意到,SCA首先是作为合作与竞争(co - opetition)的产物出现,然后被移交到标准团体,我认为它是整个行业走向成熟的一个标志。
Note that for the single sign-on authentication to properly work, you must include a call to the authorizeCallback() method in your onActivityResult() function.
Kim's Note: Sharing in someone's joy is the sign of a true friend. If you use this sentence you will build long lasting friendships.
Italy saw yields of all its bonds from two - to eight-years rise above its benchmark 10-year note, normally a sign of impending recession.
Small end note: Using the Zune theme doesn't mean you have to actually own a Microsoft Zune music player, nor do you have to do any sign-up stuff or any of that crapola.
Economists say the new figures are a good sign but they also note that the jobless rate is down in part because a lot of Americans have stopped looking for work.
A quick note on signage: Every official sign in Macau will be in both Portuguese and Chinese.
Please note that before being picked as the winner, you will be required to sign a NDA Non-disclosure agreement.
Note that numeric literals do not include a sign; a phrase like -1 is actually an expression composed of the operator - and the literal 1.
Note that numeric literals do not include a sign; a phrase like -1 is actually an expression composed of the unary operator '-' and the literal 1.
She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem more like a stern order, with a forced note of appreciation, than a genuine expression of gratitude.
Note that later the angel says to the shepherds, "This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
You are required to sign a promissory note if you are selected as an intern.
Buffett is cautious, investors might want to take note: it's another sign that many valuations on the stock market may be looking a little stretched.
In 1994, her check arrived with a note that read, "I am grateful just to be able to write a check, sign it and mail it in the box on my corner."
In 1994, her check arrived with a note that read, "I am grateful just to be able to write a check, sign it and mail it in the box on my corner."