Noise of electro-grams was reduced using signal averaging technique.
Signal averaging and adaptive filtering techniques were introduced and the algorithms were given.
Objective To explore a noninvasive transesophageal signal averaging technique for direct recording of sinus node potential (SNP).
If signal averaging technology was used in our CO2 DIAL system, then would improved the sensitivity of measurement clearly and could meet the demand of development.
The meter is controlled by PC586 via remote communication with higher measuring accuracy using signal averaging technology of the software. The meter has a wide adaptability in clinical practices.
After processing of overlaying and averaging, VEP Signal acquired by hardware still has a large amount of background noises and is unable to be used in diagnosis directly.
Presented a method of fast acquisition of GPS signal based on averaging correlator and implemented it on FPGA by VHDL.
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is introduced to replace time synchronous averaging of gearbox vibration signal.
In this system, two methods of signal processing, overlapping averaging and adaptive averaging filter, have been used.
The influencing rules on Time Synchronous averaging signal are achieved by Phase Error Accumulation Factor, component order and averaging number.
Time domain synchronous averaging can reduce the signal not coherent to rotation frequency effectively, and extract the repetitive signals directly related to machine operation condition.
On the base of classic state-space averaging, this paper modifies and considers the parasitic effects of circuit elements which lead to equation of the state, so the small-signal model is established.
By analyzing the relativity and independence of signal and noise, the signal-to-noise ratios and system disturbance ability can further be improved by certain times' signal-digital-averaging.
With the method of over sampling and averaging, the resolution and signal noise rate(SNR)can be raised without extra ADC.
With the method of over sampling and averaging, the resolution and signal noise rate(SNR)can be raised without extra ADC.