It is the input signal, the output is the line, angular displacement.
Most will recall that COMPUTER graphic CARDS sometimes OUTPUT positive-going sync. Positive-going sync signal the DISPLAY that the graphics LINE rate has changed to a new format.
The input (record) is filtered by the application of an optimum bilateral exponential filter, and the output model of gold signal for each line is produced.
The output part stores the charge occurring in the energy line sensing area and outputs a current or voltage signal equivalent to the amount of the stored charge.
Open-circuit signal line may be subject to interference arising from the incorrect output.
As the voltage VCTR varies, VCO 104 varies the frequency of the VCO output signal, causing phase offsets and increased output jitter when PLL 100 is in lock mode, as shown by dotted line 202.
随着电压VCTR改变,VCO 104改变VCO输出信号的频率,使得当pll 100处于锁定模式时引起脉冲偏移和增大的输出抖动,如图中虚线202所示。
As the voltage VCTR varies, VCO 104 varies the frequency of the VCO output signal, causing phase offsets and increased output jitter when PLL 100 is in lock mode, as shown by dotted line 202.
随着电压VCTR改变,VCO 104改变VCO输出信号的频率,使得当pll 100处于锁定模式时引起脉冲偏移和增大的输出抖动,如图中虚线202所示。