If the signal frequency to be measured is low, wide strobe gate is required for high measurement precision.
A cantilever is used to block the light reflected into optical fiber, and the vibration signal can be measured through the intensity modulation.
The electric parameters of rail circuit must be measured periodically to check if the signal system is in good condition and to avoid accident.
The measuring vibrating signal method may be used on real time, mean while, vibrating signal can be measured by peak to peak value or true virtual value .
Using the principle of the reference signal being uncorrelated to the measured signal, the latter could be extracted easily.
In the testing of a certain antiaircraft artillery servo system, the signals needed to be measured are time-invariant signal and time-varying signal.
According to the Nyquist Theorem, the sampling rate must be more than twice the maximum frequency component of the signal being measured.
Further, the electromagnetic sensor may be operable to produce a signal representing the measured response by the construction material to the electromagnetic field.
When the touch module induces the touch of an object to be measured, the processing module produces a relative position signal different from touching points.
Based on the features of signals to be measured, the corresponding signal conditioning circuits are designed with the components of ultra-low noise and low distortion.
Based on the features of signals to be measured, the corresponding signal conditioning circuits are designed with the components of ultra-low noise and low distortion.