The molecule blocked a gene that codes for a receptor for GABA, a brain signaling molecule.
LPA is "sticky stuff that goes into membranes," he said, not your everyday signaling molecule.
Aguzzi theorizes that PrP is a signaling molecule in axons that's needed to "keep Schwann cells happy."
The concept "Qi" in TCM and gaseous signaling molecule are correlated in respects of their source and mesomeric function.
While lips burn and eyes water, blood vessels actually relax, thanks to increased production of the signaling molecule nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide is an important signaling molecule in insects that is involved in olfaction, vision, touch, development, defensive behavior and learning.
Calcium is a universal signaling molecule involved in many cellular functions such as cell motility, metabolism, protein modification, protein folding, and apoptosis.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a physiologically reactive substance, as a plant cell signaling molecule, it play an important role in plant root growth and other physiological processes.
Symptoms included increased insulin resistance and atherosclerosis and higher levels of a signaling molecule that activates a class of immune defensive cells known as macrophages.
Arnsten said that the aging prefrontal cortex appears to accumulate excessive levels of a signaling molecule called cAMP, which can open ion channels and weaken prefrontal neuronal firing.
Rice growing. Scientists have identified the bacterial signaling molecule that matches up with a specific receptor in rice plants to ward off a devastating disease known as bacterial blight of rice.
The researchers attached a signaling peptide known as RNAII inhibiting peptide and this naturally targets a receptor molecule on the surface of the bacteria.
Many small G proteins associate with the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, and CAP is a link molecule between signaling pathways and subsequent alterations in the cytoskeleton.
Many small G proteins associate with the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, and CAP is a link molecule between signaling pathways and subsequent alterations in the cytoskeleton.