Usually, you order them from right to left, with the right-most digit being the least significant digit.
To compensate for this, the least-significant digit is removed from the end of a time difference resulting in a useful, but less specific data point.
Note that this specifier never displays the '0' character if it is not a significant digit, even if '0' is the only digit in the string.
New issues including Linkedin ( LNKD) and Fusion-Io ( FIO) have seen impressive initial returns but all saw significant double-digit corrections in recent weeks.
其他新上市股票包括LinkedIn(LNKD)和Fusion – io(FIO)等在发行之初都得到了令人印象深刻的回报,但最近几周都出现了两位数的大幅回落。
All dimensions specified are approximations only. Unless stated otherwise, the least significant digit is uncertain by plus or minus one unit.
The sample circuit samples an output of the decay circuit at a sample time after the decay circuit receives the pulse for the most significant digit.
Instrument accuracy is usually specified as a percent of reading, plus a percentage of range (or a number of counts of the least significant digit).
Various opinions of definition before and after 1999, number of digits of significant figures and digit number s of uncertain figure s viz.
The function that allows the elimination in the result of the calculation of all digits beyond the least significant digit.
The pulse generator serially outputs pulses representing digits of a digital word least significant digit first.
Various opinions of definition before and after 1999, number of digits of significant figures and digit number s of uncertain figure s viz.
The digits are stored such that the most significant digit is at the head of the list.
The first two digits are significant, and the third digit is number of zeros.
The second memory block is used for storing other non highest significant digit of the pixel data.
If the first non-significant digit is 5, and all subsequent digits are 0, the last significant digit is rounded to the nearest even digit. See the example that follows.
If the first non-significant digit is 5, and all subsequent digits are 0, the last significant digit is rounded to the nearest even digit. See the example that follows.