If the product is significantly different from that described in the ad, you have every right to complain to the local authority.
Ms Robinsonsaid print advertising trends in the early fourth quarter have improved "modestly" while digital AD trends were "improving more significantly".
The Walt Disney Company reported its earnings last week, and the news was nothing but bad for ABC, whose operating income dropped significantly because of lower AD revenue.
Aegis Media said it expects China to be the world's fastest-growing advertising market in dollar terms and the only one to grow significantly next year as other AD markets experience slower recovery.
安吉斯媒体集团(Aegis Media)说,在其他广告市场经历更缓慢的复苏之际,预计中国将是明年按美元计算全球增长最快的广告市场,也是唯一会实现大幅增长的市场。
Significantly, however, Nielsen data also suggests that while a simple integration can be powerful thing, the impact is heightened if the placement is coupled with a traditional AD.
More significantly, Edmunds.com reports that Fiat considerations, a vital measure for a brand that is being reintroduced, have climbed 31% since the ad broke on September 12.
This applies to goods benign memory disorders, can significantly improve cognitive function in patients with AD, behavior and mood disorders.
The causes of dye Streak of dyed T/C Poplin are analysed in this paper. After ad- justing processing condition and operating method, dye streaks are improved significantly.
However, I noticed something peculiar - that my AD revenue from all my sites significantly dropped.
Results The times of active avoidance reaction, passive avoidance reaction and spatial exploration ability of AD rats in smoking group significantly decreased(P<0.01) compared with nonsmoking group.
The results show that this complexing agent is useful for electrodeposition of Mg-Ni alloy. Proper addition of AD agent can significantly increase the maximum specific discharge capacity …
Due to using the simplified interference model, IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol introduces the hidden and exposed terminal problems which significantly decrease the performance of AD hoc wireless networks.
由于IEEE 802.11MAC协议采用了简单的干扰模型,因此产生了隐藏终端和暴露终端这两个严重影响无线自组织网络性能的问题。
Results ce significantly improved the learning and memory ability in IBO-induced AD-mimic rats.
Results ce significantly improved the learning and memory ability in IBO-induced AD-mimic rats.