Her research in Switzerland and France found that even when people are given unlimited cheap or free calls, the number and length of calls does not increase significantly.
"Although many of Britain's mammals apparently declined significantly in the past 25 years, some appear to have stabilised or even increased in the last decade," the report states.
Yet that isn't enough, since many people work hard for decades without approaching greatness or even getting significantly better.
They scolded people in the dangerous mask significantly more than they did before they were trapped, even when the mask was disguised with a hat or worn upside down.
But setting out to spend significantly more or tax significantly less would be risky, even if the state of the public finances permitted it.
Even though the time has come to retire these characters, you will note that we have not done anything drastic-none of the major characters has been fired, killed, or otherwise changed significantly.
尽管这些人物(译注:指guru, Wendy…)到了该退休的年龄了,你可能会注意到他们没有大的变化,这些主要的人物没有一个被炒掉或离我们而去。
Significantly, the diets were designed so that patients did not gain or lose weight, indicating the benefit even in the absence of weight loss.
In fact, no group of parents—married, single, step or even empty nest—reported significantly greater emotional well-being than people who never had children.
事实上,做父母的,无论家庭背景如何,无论是双亲家庭、单亲家庭、养父母家庭,还是空巢家庭,都没觉得自己比那些没有子女的人幸福到哪儿去。 这一发现对我们习以为常的观念构成了极大挑战。
Even if your work is good, many good managers will refuse to tolerate poor attitudes, and you could find yourself without a job or hampered significantly in your current one.
The result, published in the American Heart Journal, shows that being overweight, or even obese, but having a heart that can tolerate heavy exercise was significantly better than being lean but unfit.
Results Peak systolic strain of ischemic myocardium in patient with CHD was significantly lower, disappeared, or even showed inversion.
The current set will significantly shorten the life of welding, or even burned welder.
The inside spillover effect of industry-university-research institution cooperation is insignificant or even significantly negative in both short and long terms.
Mainly because of the different functional status in different time sometimes it could generate significantly different or even opposite effect with acupuncture in different time.
Even if your work is good, many good managers will refuse to tolerate poor attitudes, and you could find yourself without a job or hampered 2 significantly in your current one.
When a HVDC system operates in ground-return mode, some problems such as noise rising significantly, overheating etc. occur in AC transformers, or even some transformers would be damaged.
When a HVDC system operates in ground-return mode, some problems such as noise rising significantly, overheating etc. occur in AC transformers, or even some transformers would be damaged.