The mineral crystalline morphology of foundry natural silica sands has been investigated, which can be divided into two groups:single crystal and polycrystalline gather.
The silica bricks of high refractoriness, high loading and heavy melting point made of large crystalline quartz have already increased the life to 5 times.
For example, both crystalline and glassy forms of silica (SiO,) have structures with each si surrounded by four oxygen atoms, and each o by two si.
The crystalline morphology and lattice constants of silica bricks in several status were investigated by the optic microscope, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction.
Brief or casual exposure to low levels of crystalline silica dust are said to not produce clinically significant lung disease.
Thus, the mineral crystalline morphology of natural silica sand is an important parameter for use in foundry.
In addition, highly pozzolanic ash can be produced by means of controlled combustion, when silica is kept in non-crystalline form and cellular structure.
The M41S, HMS, MSU, and SBA silica based crystalline mesoporous molecular sieves are of great academic and practical importance in catalysis, absorptive separation technology, and materials science.
The M41S, HMS, MSU, and SBA silica based crystalline mesoporous molecular sieves are of great academic and practical importance in catalysis, absorptive separation technology, and materials science.