Multiple instances of Simulink block.
Numerical simulation of the system at an operation point is done in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
The solution also provides integration and execution of The MathWorks MATLAB/Simulink models in real time.
A system model can be established easily using aircraft synchronous generator model built by SIMULINK together with PSB.
用SIMULINK建立起同步发电机模型,并将其与PS B模块联合使用,能方便灵活地建立起发电机故障暂态模型。
By using PID control, through the iterative learning algorithm, the PID control simulation is realized by using SIMULINK.
Lastly, the paper USES SIMULINK to the compare differences between the nonlinear and linear manometer differential equation.
To reduce the wind disturbance error, the wind disturbance regular pattern is studied using a missile simulation system based on the SIMULINK.
SIMULINK emulation module of Nonlinear Integrator and the nonlinear compensation emulation of its control system have been achieved adopting MATLAB language.
In simulation, this paper makes use of the most popular scientific software, MATLAB, and develops the corresponding simulating system with the SIMULINK in it.
Using fuzzy control method in starting system establishing a simulation model in MATLAB SIMULINK and having the corresponding simulation and simulation analysis.
The working modes of hybrid electric vehicle are analyzed, and a simulation model for the power-train of series hybrid electric bus is set up with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Finally, according to the inertia of the disc brake electricity mathematical model analysis, the use of MATLAB software SIMULINK tool of inertia system simulation.
From the results, we can draw a conclusion that power bond graph together with SIMULINK is a shortcut to simulate the dynamical characteristics of hydraulic system.
Some faults such as amplifier offset, parameter changes, servo valve backlash and sensor fault are seeded in a virtual way by means of different switches in Simulink.
The computer language of MATLAB has many merits on simulation and analysis of control system. In this article the method of the SIMULINK model on MATLAB is introduced.
The system simulation is done in SIMULINK. The design is done based on FPGA. With An optimized scheme which reuses multiplication and uses CORDIC algorithm is proposed.
With the help of those established mathematical models, software SIMULINK simulates the dynamic performance of the system in displacement, speed and pressure regulation.
The potential distribution and gradient distribution of the dry - type transformer with subsection and layer winding applied transient voltage are simulated by SIMULINK.
Controller was designed in MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox, and fuzzy controller and taxiing model were used in SIMULINK condition, and the whole simulation model was set up.
A model were deduced, in detail, about servo pilot system according to the definition of load flow and load pressure were analyzed using simulink technology in theoretic.
Based on SIMULINK, the digitized processing model of signals of LFM pulse compression radars is established, and the specific process of module construction is also given.
基于SIMULINK,建立了LF M脉冲压缩雷达信号数字处理模型,并给出具体的模块搭建过程。
The result of Simulink is very satisfied, and the research of the FCL based on flux compensation will play a very important role in the development of power system in the future.
According to BLDC mathematical model and the movement principle, a simulation model of BLDCM control system by the SIMULINK and PSB block of software MATLAB is built in this paper.
根据无刷直流电机的数学模型和运行原理,通过MATLAB软件的SIMULINK和PS B模块,搭建了电机及整个控制系统的仿真模型。
The paper builds an integrated simulation model including respective subsystems for three phase shunt power active harmonic compensation system based on SIMULINK function of MATLAB.
In this paper SIMULINK, a dynamic simulation tool in MATLAB software, is used to establish the simulation model of the asynchronous motor starting process, and simulation results...
Regarding to the time lag of air supply system software MATLAB / SIMULINK were utilized to create the simulation model of fuel cell dynamic output performance as power level changes.
在考虑空气系统的时间滞后基础上,基于集总参数模型利用MATLAB /SIMULINK软件平台建立电池的瞬态响应仿真模型。
From a modeling of an active magnetic bearing (amb), a numeric controller was designed with degrade observer and optimized feedback control. it was proved out with simulink in matlab.
A fast simulation environment has been developed using MATLAB and SIMULINK for behavioral level simulation of spread spectrum clock generator based Fractional-N frequency synthesizers.
The simulation model of induction motor is derived in MT axis, the simulation model of voltage source SPWM inverter is derived too, Both of their realization are presented by SIMULINK.
The simulation model of induction motor is derived in MT axis, the simulation model of voltage source SPWM inverter is derived too, Both of their realization are presented by SIMULINK.