Then, they did their best to train, while simultaneously holding down demanding full-time jobs and spending time with their wives and kids.
Different-scaled conference halls and council rooms with reasonable arrangements are able to meet demands of simultaneously holding various conferences.
A set of 128 registers, each 128 bits wide (each register is normally treated as holding four 32-bit values simultaneously).
He is struggling to keep his balance by bending his body forward and holding on to the roof handrail with his left hand, and simultaneously standing on a crutch.
You can activate Tweak mode by holding 'on the keyboard and simultaneously dragging a component with.
The foreign capital share-holding the China insurance Company has introduced the advanced management pattern form, simultaneously also intensified the domestic life insurance market competition.
Despite living and working through World War I and World War II, Foujita's persevered to paint and carry on holding exhibitions in Japan, Europe and South America simultaneously.
Take pictures wearing a lot of makeup and looking really preppy while simultaneously making a "hard" facial expression and holding up what they consider to be a gangster sign.
Take pictures wearing a lot of makeup and looking really preppy while simultaneously making a "hard" facial expression and holding up what they consider to be a gangster sign.