I don't see it that way at all. I think it's a sine curve, like most of our lives.
The last command used, reset, is strictly not necessary for plotting the sine curve.
Let's now examine the simplest wave from where the profile is a sine or cosine curve.
Let's now examine the simplest wave form where the profile is a sine or cosine curve.
Type in plot sin (x) at the prompt: you should see the familiar sine curve in a pop-up window.
在提示符中输入plotsin (x):您应该在弹出窗口中看到熟悉的正弦曲线。
Sine curve and non - sine curve could be set at random and vibration frequency and amplitude could be adjusted on l...
Adopting the form closure error and the motion transmission error of sine curve to carrying out theoretical analysis of this CAM mechanism.
YCB arc gear pumps are mainly gear, KCG axis, the pump body, cover, the axial bearing, sealing etc. Using double circular-arc gear tooth sine curve.
The intensity and position samples of the final-alignment signal are fitted with a cosine or sine curve, and then the series of peak points are derived from the model parameters.
Meanwhile, under two-group instability modes, it is discovered that the curves between electric power of generator unit and rotator's angle in relative to center of inertia is a sine curve.
Provided that the buckle as the sine-wave, the shape tolerance can be deduced by using the power series expansion as well as the curve integration.
The spectrum analysis and sine wave curve fitting are the most common methods used for ADC dynamic performance tests.
This article puts foward a "Secant One—wave Sine—shaped Transition Curve", whose deflection angles are of secant varlation.
The strain of the pipeline increased with an increase of concentrated load. In a constant load, the strain curve of the pipeline was a cycle of sine wave with no significant changes in the cycle.
A four-parameter sine wave curve-fit method is intro - duced, which is based on the three-parameter sine wave curve-fit method and its an absolute convergent course.
The uncertainty of evaluation results of delay between channels of linear measurement system by using the least mean square four-parameter sine-wave curve-fit method is described.
The amplitude frequency characteristic curve and loss factor of laminated damping steel sheet have been calculated and measured with the sine scanning excited method.
The amplitude frequency characteristic curve and loss factor of laminated damping steel sheet have been calculated and measured with the sine scanning excited method.