Travis starred on stage opposite Al Jolson in 1926, the song Singin' in the Rain was written for her to sing in 1929 and she starred in a string of Hollywood movies in the 1920s.
That instantly brought to mind the song Good Morning in the movie Singin’ in the Rain with Gene Kelly.
A sneak peek from the episode shows the star performing, we're told, a mash-up of Rihanna's Umbrella and the classic Singin 'in the Rain.
There is a storm of singin 'in "la la Land," but no rain; the clemency of the weather is a God-given joke, and, even at Christmas, when Mia walks home after dark, she is clad as if for June.
There is a storm of singin 'in "la la Land," but no rain; the clemency of the weather is a God-given joke, and, even at Christmas, when Mia walks home after dark, she is clad as if for June.
Why do tunes in a major key, such as Singin' in the Rain, sound cheerful, while those in minor keys – Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall, say – sound gloomy and depressing?
Why do tunes in a major key, such as Singin' in the Rain, sound cheerful, while those in minor keys – Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall, say – sound gloomy and depressing?