Is there a human gene affecting our propensity to bond with a single mate?
Shifting every bond by a single partner was beyond Rosetta's abilities, but it's something a human can do trivially.
And we find the same thing for these two atoms here, it's not actually a double bond, it's somewhere between a single bond and a double bond.
Portugal and others are now cowering in fear. This Bond, it seems, is the agent of sinister Anglo-Saxon market forces seeking to destroy Europe's single currency.
so you can see that there is going to be two sets in antibonding, three sets in bonding for a net of one, giving us the single bond.
While I love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share some of my passions, so we could bond over them.
We would predict to see a single bond between lithium, and it turns out that's what we see.
So if we look at its length, it's actually shorter than a single bond, but longer than a double bond.
Remember, every time we have two electrons that are being Shared, that's a single bond.
When we have just a single bond in them molecule, you have all the free rotation you want, you can just spin it around, there's nothing keeping it in place.
But while stockmarkets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-payers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody’s.
And by that what we mean is that they're absolutely identical, and it turns out that this here is not a double bond, it's not a single bond either, it's actually something in between.
Or if we look at how strong it is, it's actually stronger than a single bond, but weaker than a double bond.
In other words, they flipped a switch, which allowed them to change the electrical conductivity of the silicon without making or breaking a single chemical bond within the surface.
You also erode your bond with your internist, who is the single most important bulwark against disease in your life.
And something that we'll see later on is that triple bonds, for example, are going to be stronger than a corresponding double bond or a corresponding single bond.
So this is the energy of a single ionic bond.
So, if we take a look at what a single bond is, and let me grab some molecules here.
So, for example, down here I wrote that it was n 2 and that it was h 2, but when I re-wrote the molecules up here, you saw that it's an h h single bond where it's a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond.
OK, then it says draw a single bond from each surrounding atom to the central atom, and subtract two valence electrons.
While eI love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share someof my passions, so we could bond over them.
尽管我喜欢并欣赏我的每一个朋友,有时我希望他们能通过分享我的热情,并因此而和他们粘合在一起。 。
Peroxide: Any of a class of chemical compounds in which two oxygen atoms are linked by a single covalent bond.
Bond graph is an effective method to represent one-dimensional single or multiple degrees of freedom (DOF) vibration system.
The defect testing and strength estimating of metal to metal single step-lap adhesive bond structures are studied by means of acoustic emission (AE) technique.
While I love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share some of my passions, so we could bond over them.
Let us now look at a system that in no way can be adequately represented by a single classical localized bond structure.
The variation of electronic structure leads to the increase of single bond radius and atomic volume and other changes of physical properties.
In this article, the glass transition temperature of a single polyoxymethylene (POM) chain adopting the modified bond fluctuation model was studied.
In this article, the glass transition temperature of a single polyoxymethylene (POM) chain adopting the modified bond fluctuation model was studied.