The fossils buried in Pleistocene and earlier ocean sediments were of foraminifera—small, single-celled marine organisms that secrete shells of calcium carbonate, or calcite.
The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true roots, stems, leaves, and complex reproductive structures such as flowers.
He reasoned that some single-celled creatures are known to enter a hibernation-like state and survive for years with no air or food.
My boss is a single-celled organism.
Nonetheless, there are indications that single-celled organisms can learn.
But they don't beat single-celled organisms that emerged about 3.4 billion years ago.
Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants.
VIEWED from humanity's lofty heights, single-celled creatures are the scum of the earth.
Single-celled organisms emerged from the primordial soup about 3.4 billion years ago.
单细胞生物大约出现于34亿年前的“原始汤”(primordial soup)。
The other challenge, besides the minimal genome, is to repeat the trick with single-celled algae.
This way, the single-celled cleaning crew can destroy the salt layer with no moisture penetrating the murals.
Jellyfish, by comparison, are 10% carbon, and diatoms (single-celled algae that are common in plankton) 20%.
Scientists are also discovering that our nervous system shares an even deeper homology with single-celled organisms.
While they spend part of their life as ordinary single-celled creatures, they sometimes grow into truly alien forms.
That's something we humans have trouble enough with, let alone a single-celled organism without a neuron to call its own.
In the 1970s, Todd Hennessey claimed that paramecia, the single-celled pond dweller, could be conditioned in the lab.
The single-celled photosynthetic organisms produce much of the oxygen on earth and are the base of the marine food chain.
There was thought to be one exception, however, in the form of Giardia, a single-celled parasite with a nasty effect on people.
Scientists have known for some time that life exists at such depths, but they thought it mostly consisted of single-celled organisms.
FOR its supporters, the idea of growing single-celled algae on exhaust gas piped from power stations is the ultimate in recycling.
The single-celled diatoms below—the likes of which are found in oceans worldwide—were collected with a plankton net in San Francisco Bay.
What Dr Nedelcu and Dr Michod did was to look for an antecedent of regA in a single-celled creature, in order to find out what its job was.
After all, he reasoned, some single-celled creatures are known to enter a hibernation-like state and survive for years with no air or food.
At the very base are bacteria, which support phytoplankton and cytoplankton, which support single-celled animals, which support fly larvae.
He does not plan to stick to bacteria, though. The other challenge, besides the minimal genome, is to repeat the trick with single-celled algae.
This single-celled fungus feeds on sugars and reproduces frequently—if it has enough to eat, a culture can double in population in 90 minutes.
An obscure single-celled flagellate with a name like a character from an Asterix book - Trimastix - also turned out to have mitochondrial genes.
Diatomaceous earth (which we shall hereby call DE because it's a lot easier to type) is the fossilized remains of single-celled algae called diatoms.
CroV, as its full name suggests, is a parasite of Cafeteria roenbergensis, a single-celled planktonic organism that was itself discovered only in 1988.
CroV, as its full name suggests, is a parasite of Cafeteria roenbergensis, a single-celled planktonic organism that was itself discovered only in 1988.