In this diagram we are viewing System as a single component.
An important component of MDM is the set of processes to build and maintain such a single view over the lifetime of the MDM system.
By restricting the permissions that each component has, both attacking the system as well as achieving much with a single compromised component is made significantly more difficult.
The facade pattern USES a single high-level application component that serves to encapsulate interactions with subordinate components with the goal of simplifying interactions with the system.
Properly designed landscape irrigation systems use isolation valves to protect the rest of your irrigation system if a single component or sprinkler fails.
The composition, structure and realization of a real time illuminance monitoring system with a single-chip microcomputer. computer as its main component are presented.
For whole kiln system, it is of vital importance that the interfaces of every single component must be well harmonized to each other.
But the capability of single security technology or security product (security component) is limited, which can only meet specific security need of system and network.
In a microcomputer, the CPU is on a single electronic component, the microprocessor chip, within the system unit or system cabinet.
An instantaneous waveform acquisition and identifying system based on TMS320F206 for a single pulse is designed. The component, working principle and process of this system are described.
本文设计了一种基于TMS320F 206芯片的单脉冲瞬态波形采集与识别系统,阐述了系统的组成、工作原理以及主要硬件设计。
In PCI system, the signals of each PCI slot in a PC main board are only enough for a single PCI component, which limits the function extension.
PCI系统结构中,计算机主板上每个PCI插槽所提供的信号只能直接连接一个PCI元件,这样限制了PC I板卡的功能扩展。
The static adsorption of humic acid and phenol from water in single and double component system onto ZH-02 resin of styrene-divinylbenzene modified by benzoyl group was carried out.
For this purpose, a new type of Multifunction instrument was developed by using 87c552 single-chip processor as main component to be satisfied for reforming the system in low-cost.
The function, component, planning and layout of a single airport system is analyzed.
A capacitive angular-position detective system is introduced. It takes the capacitive sensor as the sensing component, and the 89c51 single chip processor as the core.
Ground heat exchanger is an important component of the ground Coupled heat Pump (GCHP) system and a single U-tube is the most common type of ground heat exchanger.
So whether you need a single component or a fully integrated system, call burkert first.
The process scheduler is a highly important, if not the most important, component to every single multitasking operating system.
In the competitive adsorption of a dual component system, the adsorption of dye is superior to phenol, meanwhile the adsorbed quantity of phenol is less than that for its single component system.
There are not only contacts between the plaiting methods on entire system and single component, but also differences.
This system can comprise a single component, integrating both the communication device and the concentration sensor.
The resin system applicable for the equipment includes epoxy, phenolic, polyurethane and other two-component or single-component resin system.
The resin system applicable for the equipment includes epoxy, phenolic, polyurethane and other two-component or single-component resin system.