The team started to produce a single, global object model for the entire Supply Chain Management sample application.
The process described details a framework for opening a single business object in your RCP application using a URL.
上述过程详细介绍了使用 URL打开RCP应用程序中的一个业务对象的框架。
The sample application uses a single intermediate object. To define the intermediate object, do the following
This isn't a problem for an application that pickles and restores a single object hierarchy.
A "~" (single tilde) is a shortcut to the search path that represents the Account object of the user that the IBM Cognos 8 SDK application is using for authentication.
“ ~ ”(一个波浪字符)是一个搜索路径快捷方式,表示IBMCognos8SDK应用程序用于身份验证的用户的帐户对象。
This model allow application manage single or multi socket, and can retrieve network message basing on event object.
This model allow application manage single or multi socket, and can retrieve network message basing on event object.