As of 2002, 53 percent of black children lived in single-parent households, compared with 20 percent for whites.
A drop in the marriage rate has resulted in a doubling of single-parent households over the past three and a half decades.
Households consisting only of a husband and wife spent an average of $582, roughly $400 more than single-parent households.
The OECD, a think-tank, predicts that the absolute number of single-parent households will continue to rise in nearly all rich countries.
Plans are in the works to form a Josh Howard Foundation to assist the troubled kids in the area, many of them from single-parent households.
A high divorce rate, an increase in single-parent households, a rise in the number of unmarried parents-all this suggests that American families are no longer what they used to be.
In the end, these efforts struggled to overcome low pay, runaway salaries at the top, single-parent households and other real-world trends that kept poverty and inequality stubbornly high.
Living in single parent households was associated with lower levels of happiness for children, as was living with younger siblings.
Due to the increasing divorce rate, there are more and more single parent households.
Due to the increasing divorce rate, there are more and more single parent households.