Do you need to single-thread your classes or can you allow WCF to spin up multiple instances simultaneously?
She also devised a special reel to draw the fibres from the cocoon into a single thread so that they would be strong enough to be woven into fabric.
Some spiders produce a single thread.
These tiny threads come together to form a single thread.
Even when a program contains only a single thread running on a single processor, a synchronized method call is still slower than an unsynchronized method call.
POSIX provides the mutex function to create critical sections that enforce exclusive access to an object (a piece of memory) by a single thread.
Because of the single thread model described above, it's vital to the responsiveness of your application's UI that you do not block the UI thread.
Most programs create many temporary objects that are used within the context of a single thread but never escape to the visibility of other threads.
Learn to view your code from the perspective of a single thread and make sure each individual thread in your program has a consistent, friendly view of memory.
Specifically, if everything is happening in a single thread, performing long operations such as network access or database queries on the UI thread will block the whole user interface.
Even when run with a single thread, the collapsed version was some 30 percent faster: it is much faster to acquire a lock that you already hold than one that nobody holds.
For example, concentrating or multiplexing multiple connections on a single thread allows for a reduction in the number of overall threads.
Compass: A thread safe instance used to open Compass Sessions for single thread usage.
Compass:为单线程使用,创建线程安全的实例来打开Compass Seesion。
Regardless of whether or not you use AsyncTask, always remember these two rules about the single thread model.
The go runtime environment provides support for goroutines, which are allocated a single thread, and does not support parallel execution yet, which may be provided later.
Keep in mind that the libevent server is running in a single thread, and a single client is unlikely to stress the server, since it will also be limited by the method of opening requests.
Finally, the SDK notes that like other languages, the go language runtime only supports a single CPU thread; so whilst goroutines and channels are present, only a single thread will execute.
最后,SDK指出,go像其他语言一样,其运行时仅支持单一C PU线程。所以,虽然goroutines (go语言中的并行程序称为goroutines)和信道都存在,但只有一个单一线程会执行。
The IBM WebSphere MQ MDB implementation uses a single thread to dispatch incoming messages from the input queue.
If you know you are going to build up a string in a single thread, use StringBuilder.
By setting this property, the mediation developer can ensure that the complete request or response flow executes under a single thread of execution.
A single thread pool can therefore be used by multiple applications.
You can use this method when waiting on a single thread synchronization object.
A single thread executes through either of these execution units.
Generally, it does this by maintaining awareness or state of the mapped entity class instances it is responsible for by keeping a first-level cache of instances, valid for a single thread.
Deadlocks can also happen within a single thread.
They can schedule the jobs to run at any time, as long as they send them to the job spooler, which will single thread each job through the spooler.
Only a single thread is used for all these benchmarks; the synchronized classes are under no thread contention.
Batch application developers write code that is thread-safe and executes on a single thread.
Synchronous – The consumer uses a single thread to invoke the service; the thread sends the request, blocks while the service is running, and waits for the response.
Synchronous – The consumer uses a single thread to invoke the service; the thread sends the request, blocks while the service is running, and waits for the response.