Based upon rigidity design and inverse design in this paper the dynamic inverse design of single degree of freedom system and many degrees of freedom system are introduced.
The principles and performance of the ice force oscillator model are presented in the paper, and its numerical solutions for a single degree of freedom system are demonstrated.
The system is simplified into single degree of freedom dynamics model with piecewise linear restoring forces and square damping, then the piecewise nonlinear motion equation of ALT is established.
The rules of movement and energy dissipation are surveyed with a single freedom degree system striking the fixed face in this paper.
The example shows that the bifurcation condition of single degree of freedom nonlinear oscillator can indicates the motional behavior of nonlinear flutter system.
The system is simplified into a single degree of freedom model with piecewise linear restoring force and square damping, the piecewise nonlinear motion equation is established.
Based on nonlinear dynamic analysis of single degree freedom system, the design parameters are studied.
Each of the vibration modes that are considered may be assumed to respond independently as a single-degree-of-freedom system.
The author of this article talked about the free vibration of a no conservative single-degree-of-freedom system with nonliner damping and nonliner spring.
After the analysis of single degree-of-freedom magnetic suspension ball system, its system mathematical model was established, and its PID controller was designed.
It is also observed that the representation of the transducer response by means of a single degree of freedom viscously damped system for frequencies near and higher than I...
For system of single freedom-degree, the relationship of its static stiffness and square of natural frequency is direct ratio.
Bifurcation and chaos of periodic motions of a single-degree-of-freedom system with piecewise-linearity is studied.
A method of transforming a multi-degree of freedom system into a single-degree of freedom system is defined.
The earthquake input energy spectrum of elastic single degree of freedom(SDOF) system under a world-wide ensemble of 40 earthquake records of different site types are studied.
In this paper, the equations of motion are derived for a single-degree-of-freedom system with a tuned mass damper (TMD).
Based on the seismic energy formula of single degree of freedom (SDOF) system total input seismic energy, hysteretic dissipated energy and damping energy can be obtained.
The inversion system control law is proposed for single-degree-of-freedom chaotic oscillations.
It is also recommended in this paper that a linear nondamping free vibration system of a single freedom degree can provide a stimulant source of sine wave with high purti…
Through the analysis series, found the curve for former fourth-order magnetic resonance frequency of single degree of freedom magnetic bearing system changes with the axial gap and bias current;
Through the analysis series, found the curve for former fourth-order magnetic resonance frequency of single degree of freedom magnetic bearing system changes with the axial gap and bias current;