Learn to view your code from the perspective of a single thread and make sure each individual thread in your program has a consistent, friendly view of memory.
From a user interface and maintenance perspective, it's better to have a single view with a handful of sorting arrows than multiple views.
So far we discussed subprocesses and tasks from the perspective of a single process model, i.e., from a local point of view.
A stereo view means that with cooperation of both eyes in perceiving depth from graphs, a single mental picture of perspective can be constructed.
Aiming at buildings "3-d reconstructions based on a single view, this article proposes a method to perform metric rectification for perspective images of planes."
Aiming at buildings' 3-d reconstructions based on a single view, this article proposes a method to perform metric rectification for perspective images of planes.
Aiming at buildings' 3-d reconstructions based on a single view, this article proposes a method to perform metric rectification for perspective images of planes.