Research and Analysis (including site visit).
In a site visit, visitors come on site to have a look around.
Month client analysis: statistics that months total number of web site visit.
Includes access to summit, site visit, tea break, lunch and industry award dinner.
Following on from our episode on hosting a site visit, we return to our friends at the railway tunnel.
In preparation for the site visit, we request facility management to assemble the following documents.
Any Additional requested site visit shall be considered Additional Services A nd be compensated As such.
In-depth interview has become a major way in which the focused site visit in the new Assessment Program.
From the franchise coordinator as well as doing a site visit to a franchise that had been open for over a year.
He added: 'We made the police aware of this incident as soon as it was reported and arranged a site visit together.
The monitor should submit a written report to the sponsor after each trial-site visit or trial-related communication.
The cost estimate for those SITEs would be delivered to OPERATOR within 5 business days following the actual SITE visit.
The officially invited competitors should attend the Technical Documents briefing meeting and pay site visit on Feb. 7, 2012.
Dealer acquisition assessment in the responsible region, incl. on-site visit, head quarter pleading and & approval report, etc.
Work with the external evaluation to execute the field evaluation including site visit, stakeholder discussion and interview etc.
Some practical Suggestions are also given in tapping and listening to the regional landscape language during site visit and investigation.
Here's a small but essential checklist of deceptively obvious items to help you prepare for your next site visit so the consultants can hit the ground running.
The introduction of Webscapes, as the images are called, is the first time that StarCite has provided a way for meeting planners to view meetings space without an on-site visit.
If you are considering booking a marquee for your wedding, please get in touch and we will gladly arrange for a free quotation, planning meeting and site visit at no obligation.
Careful reference checking and a site visit to other organizations that are actually using and customizing the forms with XForms development tools is an obvious way to vet the vendors.
仔细阅读参考手册,访问确实用x Forms开发工具使用和定制表单的其他企业的网站,也有助于甄别供应商。
In addition, an on-site visit helps determine whether the same network, power, and cooling arrangements are in place and whether model changes and upgrades have taken place recently.
Analysis and forecast of influence of a foundry waste field in Dongfeng Motors Corporation on underground water are made through site visit, laboratory analysis and mathematical model.
Customer service periodically return will arrange full-time customer service staff, regular telephone, fax or on-site visit, to understand customer needs, handle the customer complaints.
Search competitive ranking, which is seeking to your potential customers directly to your site visit, so you have plenty of business consulting, thereby generating new orders and win new customers.
If you visit the Covermark site, you'll find that they offer a specially priced foundation set.
If you visit the Covermark site, you'll find that they offer a specially priced foundation set.