With a surface temperature of 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit (six times hotter than our Sun), Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky.
Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky; its surface temperature is about 37,000 Kelvin (about 66,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or more than six times hotter than the sun).
Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky; its surface temperature is about 37, 000 Kelvin (about 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit, or more than six times hotter than the sun).
Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky; its surface temperature is about 37, 000 Kelvin (about 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit, or more than six times hotter than the sun).