Micro structure of glass state cementing materials containing small amount of calcium, such as slag, phosphorous slag and fly ash, was studied by SEM and XRD.
通过电镜和X -射线衍射实验,研究了在外加剂作用下矿渣、磷渣、粉煤灰形成的低钙玻璃态胶凝材料的微观结构。
The preparation of construction cementing medium from phosphogypsum and blast furnace slag has been studied, highlighting the mixing ratio of the raw materials and the product performance.
In the paper, 10%-20% clinker and lots of waste slag, such as slag, steel slag, were used to prepared green cementing materials with the grade of cement 325 or 425.
本文试验用10% - 20%的水泥熟料及大量的以矿渣和钢渣为主的工业废渣,配置出325、425号绿色复合水泥。
In the paper, 10%-20% clinker and lots of waste slag, such as slag, steel slag, were used to prepared green cementing materials with the grade of cement 325 or 425.
本文试验用10% - 20%的水泥熟料及大量的以矿渣和钢渣为主的工业废渣,配置出325、425号绿色复合水泥。