Right now, to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers not sleep in the same bed as their babies but sleep in the same room.
Another way of expressing this is, you've made your bed now you're going to have to sleep in it.
Sheldon, what are you doing out of bed? Sheldon Now! Do it! You know you need your sleep in order for your cognitive processing to perform at optimum levels.
The coming result, our child who becomes 4 years now is more like grandmother. sometimes he is playing with us, when he wants to go asleep, he will find grandmother and sleep in their bed.
You made your bed, now you have to sleep to in it.
Then she closed the window and went back to the bed and said to his husband, "Now you can sleep well. It is his turn to toss around in bed, dear."
Then she closed the window and went back to the bed and said to his husband, "Now you can sleep well. It is his turn to toss around in bed, dear."