As an example, the hydrodynamic derivations of a slender-body of revolution are calculated.
He had a tiny plump body and a delicate beak, and slender delicate legs.
If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn't need so many slender celebrities in the first place.
While she slept, Yindingie transformed her body into a long, slender island of crystalline sand, the largest such island in all the world.
Its slender body turns into a cylinder as it stretches upward, with its bluish silver color blending into the sky.
Just think - in a few short weeks a beautiful, slender, athletic body can be yours.
Dropping the sword, Maura twined both arms around him, pressing her long, slender body to his.
Wasps usually have a slender, shiny body but they can often look like Honeybees.
Axons are the long slender projections that transmit nerve-cell impulses to the rest of the body, controlling movement.
On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly- damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia.
On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly-damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia.
On the morning of Spencer Tracy's funeral, a slender woman with striking, angular cheekbones drove up to the mortuary where the body of the great screen actor lay.
I have a slender body and a long, rounded nose.
The horse is built for strength and speed. It has a long neck, compact body, and long, slender legs. The horse is the most comfortable animal to ride.
A flagellum is a long, slender projection from the cell body, whose function is to propel an organism.
And although a large chest, but the weight does not increase, red papaya soup useful to you, fat will be reduced, more slender body.
Reptiles, body slender, scaly body, no limbs. Many types, some toxic, some non-toxic. With frogs, rats for food, the serpent has swallowed a large animal.
Often described as a slender body of a white horse, the amount before a helix Angle (which is also a characteristic of the Licorne).
Any of various small, often brightly colored Marine fishes of the family Callionymidae, having a slender body and a flattened head.
Any of various often brightly colored, predatory insects having a long slender body and elongated wings that fold together when the insect is at rest.
Du matchless oneself solved amused, wears inside very slender media the wear lie to her body side.
Dirty plait combed toward back, white and gloomy face like Goth style, tall and slender body, all above make Big Tree and his rock shinning everywhere.
Subsonic vortical flows over a slender body at different angles of attack were simulated numerically, and the aerodynamic characteristics of asymmetric vortical flow were also investigated.
The effect of acoustic excitation on the flow asymmetry over a slender body in compressible flows was investigated in a transonic wind tunnel.
This paper studies the effect of vectoring jet on the transverse aerodynamic characteristics of a slender body.
I allow myself to enjoy eating foods that keep my body slender, healthy and fit.
Any of various small, slender Marine worms of the phylum Chaetognatha having a narrow, almost transparent body and sickle-shaped bristles on each side of the mouth.
The research indicated that MEMS device generate excellent control effect on asymmetric vortices over slender body as well as on complex flow field.
The research indicated that MEMS device generate excellent control effect on asymmetric vortices over slender body as well as on complex flow field.