When plants and animals die, microbes break them down; slime molds then devour many of the bacteria, releasing their nutrients for other organisms to grow on.
While naturalists have known of slime molds for centuries, only now are scientists really starting to understand them.
Dictyostelium belongs to one of the two great branches of slime molds.
The slime molds grew tendrils to both foods, but adjusted their sizes to get the best balance of protein and carbohydrates that allowed them to grow fastest.
If you removed those slime molds, the whole earth's ecosystems would be very different, "Dr." Stephenson said.
Scientists know a lot about the two lab-friendly species Physarum and Dictyostelium, but they still know very little about the many other slime molds on earth.
Humans and slime molds alike choose according to relative values, rather than trying to calculate absolute ones.
Since all known slime molds live on land, that suggests that they were early pioneers, arriving hundreds of millions of years before animals or plants.
Despite their name, slime molds are not related to bread mold or the black mold that grows in damp houses.
Biologists have found slime molds in Antarctica, in barren deserts, high in the canopies of jungles and even on the leaves of household plants.
Eventually, acellular slime molds also make spores. They produce tens of thousands of stalks, and the spores that cap them blow away in the wind.
Slime molds are also present in huge Numbers: There may be thousands of individual slime molds in a pinch of soil.
Building networks sometimes requires tough decisions from slime molds.
The giant acellular slime molds chose a different strategy, spreading their bodies across huge areas, and making spores across their entire surface.
Eventually, acellular slime molds also make spores.
Finding new species of slime molds will let scientists test these possibilities, Dr. Baldauf said.
The traits that slime molds share in common, like making spores, may have first evolved as they came ashore.
Even if the slime molds die to form a stalk, many of their genes are passed on to the next generation through their kin.
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston recently figured out part of the way the slime molds tell kin from strangers.
Slime molds then devour many of the bacteria, releasing their nutrients for other organisms to grow on.
If slime molds arrived on land close to a billion years ago, they may well have colonized continents that were home only to films of bacteria.
Andrew Adamatzky, a researcher at the University of West England, has been watching slime molds since 2006, finding inspirations in their growth for designing computer software.
西英格兰大学研究员安德鲁·亚达马特兹基(Andrew Adamatzky)自2006年以来一直在观察黏菌,并从它们的生长中得到设计计算机软件的灵感。
他们就是黏菌(slime molds)。
Its branch is known as the cellular slime molds, because its spore and stalk are made out of many cells.
这个分支叫做细胞黏菌(cellular slime molds),因为其孢子和柄由许多细胞组成。
Had no water layer here, and if there is not enough water and soil, slime molds will enter the sleep state.
By observing the external and internal structure and separating cultivation, the surface of the object has many kinds of fruit body of slime molds.
Pattern Formation and Slime Molds.
If you removed those slime molds, the whole earth's ecosystems would be very different, "Dr. Stephenson said."
If you removed those slime molds, the whole earth's ecosystems would be very different, "Dr. Stephenson said."