Research by Dr. Queller and Dr. Strassmann has revealed some reasons the slime-mold world has not been overwhelmed by these cheats.
Despite their name, slime molds are not related to bread mold or the black mold that grows in damp houses.
The slime mold abandoned its tendrils near the salt and then grew a new highway pattern that efficiently rerouted food across Canada.
Because slime mold finds the paths that are most resilient to faults or damage, it could be used to make mobile-communication and transportation networks hardier.
If some countries started to build highways from scratch, I would recommend to them to follow the slime mold routes, "Dr." Adamatzky said.
In 2010 he and his colleagues placed a slime mold in the middle of a map of Spain and Portugal, with pieces of food on the largest cities.
The slime mold grew a network of tentacles that was nearly identical to the actual highway system on the Iberian Peninsula.
After four hours, the slime mold was feasting on both blocks of food.
Other studies have shown that the slime mold lineage is immensely old.
In the first trial, the scientists offered the slime mold food chunks that contained 3 percent oat flakes in the dark, and 5 percent oat flakes in bright light.
By analyzing the DNA of different slime mold species, researchers are reconstructing their evolutionary history, which turns out to reach back about a billion years.
The approach is "a delight" says Mark Fricker of the University of Oxford in England who is using slime mold behavior to build more efficient networks.
这一方法在英国牛津大学的MarkFricker看来十分令人欣喜,Mark Fricker正在从事黏菌行为方面的研究,以建立更为高效的网络。
In 2000, Japanese researchers placed Physarum polycephalum - the name means "many-headed slime mold" - in a maze, along with two blocks of food.
Another possible cause for odor is the build up of slime, mold, hair, etc in the tailpiece (the portion of pipe that comes out the bottom of your sink) or overflow of your sink.
So, it's a new pathogenicity slime mold.
So, it's a new pathogenicity slime mold.