The water was sloshing around under our feet.
Stocks are sloshing around faster and cheaper than ever.
"The amounts of money sloshing around are huge," he says.
When it expands, so too does the amount of money sloshing around.
As I carried the bottle, I could hear the wine sloshing around inside.
But there's increasing evidence that too much money is now sloshing around.
The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around.
London's market has a strong brand, its rules are well understood, and there is money sloshing around.
That is markedly different than in recent years, when billions of dollars were sloshing around global financial markets.
With so much money sloshing around the art world, it's not just cynical realists who worry that the market is overheating.
Exchange controls exist but with so much liquidity sloshing around China at the moment, approval has become easier to get.
S. is printing a lot of money, and that's sloshing around. No matter how much the People's Bank of China might resist, the U.
The best players bring in the crowds, he says, and there's lots of money sloshing around football so they deserve a good whack.
They drove off from New Jersey in Harvey's Buick 27 Skylark with Einstein's brain28 sloshing around inside a jar in the trunk!
The enormous amount of liquidity sloshing around the system was directed at acquiring existing properties rather than building new ones.
All this money sloshing around looking for a home is not healthy - it indicates a real lack of demand in other parts of the global economy.
But Hong Liang, an economist at Goldman Sachs, reckons that the M2 measure of money understates the amount of liquidity sloshing around in China.
This is what happens when there's too many dollars sloshing around the system; they all need a place to rest, and when they do, they create equity bubbles.
Although there is plenty of private capital sloshing around, there is a chicken-and-egg problem: nobody wants to buy equity in an industry without enough capital.
It is a similar story with the pools of radioactive water that have been found sloshing around turbines near the reactors; it is not clear where these came from either.
The rule is that if there's enough money sloshing around to pay for one, then don't be surprised if, by the time the purple ribbon's cut, the scissors have to be on hire purchase.
Of even greater concern is that much of the market's strength may be the result of the abundant money sloshing around China, rather than a fundamental change in profit expectations.
EL nino, a periodic sloshing of warm water from west to east across the Pacific, gets its name - "the boy child" -because it is around Christmas that it warms the water off Peru.
But the fluids in your ears, they obey the laws of physics. And they are sort of rocking around and sloshing because you are actually moving.
Butt the fluids in your ears, they obey the laws of physics. And they are sort of rocking around and sloshing because you are actually moving.
Butt the fluids in your ears, they obey the laws of physics. And they are sort of rocking around and sloshing because you are actually moving.