Tofu is cut into small cubes and eaten in bean paste soup.
Wait until the third evening, when I went to see a small Yaer into a small bean, is a two Baner, the color becomes dark green.
A managed bean can also rely on a small number of container-provided services, mostly related to lifecycle management and resource injection.
Stool samples for the small bean soup may be small hemorrhagic colitis, which occur in preterm infants.
There are five peas in a bean pod. When they are mature, a small boy picks it and opens it.
It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling.
Then, after a few days, adzuki bean Baner slowly into the small leaves, each one has a few small leaves.
Shaped like a bean, a kidney is roughly the size of a small fist.
If the Xiao didn't put the small and red horse to the shed for horses in go, lead long to oneself a tent neighborhood, feed its green grass and bean to eat.
Four small mooncakes of each flavor: Lotus, Date, Red Bean.
Want to have a little bit faster and blossom, to bear more of the small green bean bar!
Small traders said. I use a few grains from an old bean there.
The company has a production line capable of processing 1, 000 tons of minor grains per year , with mungbean , millet and small red bean characteristic of Northern Shaanxi as its major products.
公司现拥有一条年可生产1 000吨的杂粮的生产线,主要生产绿豆、小米、红小豆等陕北特色小杂粮产品。
This machine is suitable for packing powder materials of small bag, such as milk powder, bean milk powder, amylum, medicines powder, pesticide powder, coffee powder flavoring powder and so on.
Sunday morning, I planted in a pot of 10 small green bean.
Standing like letter "Q", its bean sprout like leg and small pattern of rhombus grid represent its bright smartness and loveliness.
This machine is suitable for packing small bag of powder material. Such as milk powder, bean milk powder, amylum, medicine powder, pesticide powder, coffee powder and flavoring powder etc.
At present we have about 60 kinds products, such as: the fine packing small mungbean, the small red bean, the small glutinous millet, the small sorghum and so on.
The prime products are millet, green bean, small red bean, buckwheat and formula porridge of coarse cereals.
Old man this year quick 27, the age is not small, the slang said: When the afternoon market meat the bean curd sells.
Lottery of transmit having reward, small gain the means of amounts of these mushroom vermicelli made from bean starch, it is above small gain sale common occurance.
Obviously its better if you buy from your local specialty roaster - they can sell small volumes direct to you in whole bean (or if you request) ground form.
If the rabbit can be fed a small amount of digestible nutrient-rich but Feed, such as soy, milk or rice soup, and tender leaves, etc. can be fed wheat after 20 days Tablets or bean dregs, vegetables.
If the rabbit can be fed a small amount of digestible nutrient-rich but Feed, such as soy, milk or rice soup, and tender leaves, etc. can be fed wheat after 20 days Tablets or bean dregs, vegetables.