The article analyses the main technical difficulty in cementing small hole well and proposes the acupuncture treatments.
Ideally, the site will be a cavity in a tree, well off the ground, with a small entrance hole facing south, and lots of room inside for brood and honey.
This paper introduces the technology of broaching accurate, small deep hole and the design of broaching tool as well as its parameter's selection.
The deep well coal road cable of small diameter hole and high pre-tension structure and craft were studied according to the condition of high stress and composite roof in Fengcheng coal field.
In addition, there is usually a small amount of extra hole drilled to allow for junk, hole fill-in and other conditions that may reduce the effective depth of the well prior to running logging tools.
Memory foam, also known as slow rebound foam, was made by continuous process foaming technique. with small air hole and well-distributed structure.
Memory foam, also known as slow rebound foam, was made by continuous process foaming technique. with small air hole and well-distributed structure.