There was a distinct smell of gas.
"At first, I picked an e-bike because I couldn't stand the sickening smell of gas from my scooter." says Zhang Dengming.
There was a smell of gas at the scene.
You loathe the smell of gas when you are carsick.
There's a definite smell of gas. Did you turn the oven off?
The system failed. Water came down walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and there was 'shorting' in the electrical wiring.
“然而水管和厕所系统出现故障。水从墙壁渗出,在一些房间有很浓的气味,甚至电线还会出现短路。” ”
"At first, I picked an e-bike because I couldn't stand the sickening smell of gas from my scooter," says Zhang Dengming, 50, a construction supervisor in Shanghai.
Its Molecular Formula for ozone, oxygen is the same allotrope, with its own unique character, in natural conditions, the ozone is slightly special light blue fresh smell of gas.
I could smell the vegetable oil and cooking gas that had crept into the fabric of her clothes and her hair.
Anyone who has ever pumped their own gas downwind of the tank knows the tell-tale smell of fuel.
Most important, smell disorders can be downright dangerous for those who cannot detect the odor of smoke, burning or spoiled food, natural gas or other noxious aromas.
Thus, unless humans are around to smell the distinctive sent of methane gas, they would be unware of the release of this gas due to stretched rock beneath their feet.
“Sweetening” is the removal of CO2, hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants from contaminated gas, (often called sour gas due to the sulphur smell), and is a $12 billion-year-business in the US alone.
I figured it would be the normal "nothing call" and we drove to the area, noses alert for the smell of natural gas.
They can also reduce the strong smell of ammonia gas.
When checking buildings for gas leaks, use your sense of smell only.
Open the suction gold, satisfied the sense of smell gas energy, allowing you to the wealth within Wangwang, rich and Full House;
The nature of the formaldehyde, the harm of human body and its source of formaldehyde is a colorless, excitant gas with strong smell, its aqueous solution of 35% ~ 40% formalin.
甲醛的性质、对人体的危害及其来源甲醛是无色、具有强烈气味的刺激性气体 ,其35%~40%的水溶液通称福尔 马林。
Only the smell of exhaustion gas reminded us that civilisation was existed here.
Another reinforced concrete jungle, I smell or streets of solidification, ear of gas filled or lingering noise... Alas!