He shut the book with a snap and stood up.
At the moment when the two trains gave the illusion of being stationary, a blind in one of the carriages flew up with a snap.
It's a good time to snap up a struggling competitor with a product line that makes a great fit.
In part, this is no surprise for any hurricane targeting such a densely populated area, as residents rush out to snap up supplies of bottled water and D batteries.
Instead, analysts believe that motorists view the situation as an opportunity to snap up bargains.
Other firms that have survived the slump in retailing in reasonable shape also seem to be looking for indebted competitors to snap up.
Some fear that Chinese and other firms will snap up the lost business.
The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals.
Like its giant cousin Icadyptes, it had an hyper-elongated bill which it used to snap up fish in the ancient equatorial sea.
And he's telling his followers to snap up shares immediately.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 foreign investors rushed to snap up former state-owned and collective farms.
Well-capitalized companies also can take advantage of the current market panic to snap up assets and companies trading at fire-sale prices, another route to increase production and reserves.
Crippling price discounts can be accompanied by dirty tactics: some stores send fake "customers" to rivals' new stores to snap up all the promotions before genuine customers can get them.
For Banks that have resisted the temptations of the boom, this looks like a golden chance to snap up rivals cheaply.
Rumors abound of other potential tie-ups that could see the CME, the parent of the NASDAQ (NDAQ), and other exchanges snap up smaller exchanges.
It has been able to do so thanks to a new, global breed of consumer who loves to snap up the latest gizmos displayed in the firm's alluring stores.
After the first night of previews, I spotted guests queuing to snap up tickets for a return trip the following week.
The unbundlers think it is unfair for vertically integrated firms with superior firepower to come in and snap up smaller, unbundled companies.
These are designed to scare gullible traders into offloading their own shares, at which point the HFT investors withdraw their own spoof trades and snap up the real ones.
It will also encourage investors to snap up Treasury notes, making it easier to bring our fiscal house in order.
Today, we proudly watch as Paralympic gold medallist Eleanor Simmonds makes history as the youngest, and no doubt shortest female to snap up such a title.
There will certainly be more deals inspired by a need to snap up patents for offensive and defensive purposes.
This left Mr Dimon free to snap up tottering rivals including Bear Stearns, an investment bank, and Washington Mutual, a thrift.
A keen investor may choose to snap up both firms and create a transatlantic brokering powerhouse.
And in tighter Labour markets, firms are more eager to snap up talent while they can.
That would leave the "good bank" for Barclays to snap up.
Since 2006 Ryanair's passenger traffic to and from Marseille has jumped eightfold, to 1.7m, as French travellers snap up flights at a fraction of the prices charged by air France.
Since 2006 Ryanair's passenger traffic to and from Marseille has jumped eightfold, to 1.7m, as French travellers snap up flights at a fraction of the prices charged by air France.