So from then on the man called the cat of which he was so proud by the name of Wind.
So from then on I never asked her to help out in the kitchen again.
So from then on, I will obey the traffic rules, cautious driving all the way.
So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.
So the jade emperor wanted to a good way to stick two portraits of the gods on the door, so from then on the custom of stickers door god down from generation to generation.
What then can we expect from the next 10 or so years on the Web?
Then take the next, and the next, and so on until you have four or five or ten screen shots of sequential steps to get your user from point a to point B.
Then during each iteration we get a little more data from system X, and some more from system Y, and some more from system Z, and so on.
在每个迭代中,我们从系统X 中再获得一些,从系统Z中获得一些,等等。
Mr Hamnett draws an analogy with a multi-tiered water fountain, with water flowing first from the financial district to smart residential neighbourhoods, then to slightly less smart areas, and so on.
Linux will name these devices from sda to SDZ (then sdaa to SDZZ and so on).
From then on I always animated with two views of my character always showing, so that I could always tell if the animation was working from all sides.
German savings go to German Banks to lend to other countries so that they can buy German goods from German companies who then save their earnings in German Banks who lend it to... And so on.
They reversed the decision, but by then it was too late for her to make the long trek from England, so she appeared on the Grammy broadcast by satellite from a London studio.
His right pant leg was rolled up to the knee, and on the end of his big toe was a plastic weight from his dad's weightlifting set. Every second or so, Hayden flexed his toe up, then down.
After I learned about Kapok's approach to theatre, I became crazy for it. I became a volunteer, and from then on, my life changed so much.
If a weakness is preventing you from hitting your goals, then get just good enough so that you can continue to focus on becoming an expert at what you're good at.
On the other hand, if you can use hints from the client and server, so the server can prepare for the incoming late-model, high-performance sports car, then round-trip time can be reduced.
So weird, I was on a yacht in Capri then my old roommate from Belgium brought me the book I left in my Cape Town hotel.
Since then she has marked all her kids' photos on Flickr as private (so only her friends can see them) and has removed all their pictures from her blog.
Wink at a fellow player at the wrong moment, then, and you might end up dropping that sarsen you have lifted so triumphantly from the fields of Salisbury Plain on the toes of your avatar's foot.
Once memes were proliferating, individuals benefited from copying the latest and most successful ones, and then passed on any genes that helped them do so.
Once memes were proliferating, individuals benefited from copying the latest and most successful ones, and then passed on any genes that helped them do so.