Spread some clean towels, newspapers, or sheets on a bed, sofa, or the floor, and lie down to await help (unlock the door so help can get in easily).
One year, to get the study groups just-so, Ms. DeGraca laid out index CARDS with students' names and basic facts on her living room floor, mixing and matching until the groups seem balanced.
I was so excited to get a new phone, that I threw my old phone on the floor and stepped on it, while my parents watched in horror.
So passengers cannot get lost, a computerised room finder on each floor near the lifts makes sure they can find their way home through the ship's seven neighbourhoods.
Old-fashioned style and service second to none, they even get a chair on which to put your handbag so you don't need to put it on the floor!
Our time is limited, so let's get on the floor.
So how to pick up three potted flower? Our classroom is on the fourth floor is a basin of a basin, get it.
The wealthy had SLATE floors that would get slippery in the winter, when wet, so, they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing.
So many people are so anxious to "get in on the ground floor" of opportunity, as if the opportunity will do all the work.
So I'm going to ask you to sit down, get comfortable, get your feet on the floor, and have your back straight.
Laura: Remember to use the shower curtain so you don't get water on the floor.
Throwing your dirty clothes on the floor. Get ready for bed before you are tired so you have enough energy to put your clothes in the hamper or put them up on a hanger.
Throwing your dirty clothes on the floor. Get ready for bed before you are tired so you have enough energy to put your clothes in the hamper or put them up on a hanger.