So I think you can see how artists in some way raise other little artists.
So I think you can expect to see thousands and thousands of Thai people in GZ at that time.
I think it's best if I give you my husband's email—he's sitting in front of a computer all day so he can print stuff off and get it back to you sooner than I could.
If my mistress and all her friends can laugh at what I say, so may you too, I should think.
So I would ask you to please think of ways you can be there for everyone who is making this journey to defend not only human rights globally, but to truly defend themselves and their rights.
So the direction that music goes can also affect how we feel about it, our mood about it, so I think the next question — I play another piece for you.
I can think of so many reasons why you should love yourself, but here's just one: It is incredibly dull and uninspiring to be around people who do not love themselves.
So, instead of just managing your time, I think the highest leverage thing you can do is manage your intention.
So, here are at least three examples of canceled children, and you can use that phrase, I think, to characterize Lolita. She is a canceled child.
So yes, I suppose you might call it gold country, but how can anyone think about gold with bears round every corner?
I think Wall Street English is known for its "English Corners" where you can pay to come to speak real English with real people? So that's a good feature.
But I think this gives you an idea for how you might decide which measurements are appropriate, so that you can develop reasonable, easy-to-compute metrics.
I think it's so important — the life you can save.
We think so, but I want you to appreciate that it is not obvious and it can not be proven from first principles.
I think that's where the friendship is really valuable because you got lots of contexts. We can point back to he and I built so many websites together.
You can see there's already a security line, so I don't think I'll make the first flight.
I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone, so-called love at first sight.
Yes, I did say there that western medical therapy has its theoretical and empirical basis, so I think that a certain drug can be effective and it works immediate after you take it.
So we can write out what the electron configuration is here, and I think that I have already written that out for you in your notes.
Do you think you can take off your glasses so I can see your eyes?
So if you can come up with an honest answer and they... erm... if you can describe a situation from your daily life, I think that will... that will be good.
All right, so that will now allow you to turn the page, I think, and we can take a look at the probability.
I don't think what teachers tell you can compare to what you should know. So I believe it mainly depends on you own to achieve English proficiency.
Oh — but if you can meet with our teaching fellows over there, they're gonna ask the legal department to see you next so Alright, I think we're all set.
I think what... the point of this question is I think what they want to do is see how you look at yourself. So can you evaluate your own performance in a way and also can you...
While I don't think you'll be calling in to work so you can play this one all day long, it's good enough for a quick chuckle.
Now, Miss Dwyer, if you will step inside this spot, I think I can build up the bushes around us so as to make a sort of booth which may save us from freezing.
And I think, if I can just borrow this camera, I was going to show you my invention, which I came up with. So, it's a normal-looking syringe.
And I think, if I can just borrow this camera, I was going to show you my invention, which I came up with. So, it's a normal-looking syringe.