I didn't approve of what she was saying, so I walked away.
So I walked away and left him standing there in the moonlight--watching over nothing.
I was crushed to be so close to success and then to be blocked! Sadly I walked away.
I knew it was impossible to enter to watch, so stood by the iron-fence for another while, then walked away disappointedly.
I remember seeing Children of a Lesser God on Broadway. I was sitting in the second or third row, and I was just so blown away, and I walked out saying, 'That's what I want to do.
So even though you have already turned and walked away, I will not inquire into the cause, or feel upset.
So she went away as I opened the door and walked into the setting-room.
So many times I have walked away from a sermon with a sad and sinking heart, saying, "It is a good message, but it has nothing to do with the text."
好几次,我听完了一篇讲道之后 , 带著沉重和难过的心说 :这是一篇不错的信息,但是跟 圣 经有什么关系呢?
So many times I have walked away from a sermon with a sad and sinking heart, saying, "It is a good message, but it has nothing to do with the text."
好几次,我听完了一篇讲道之后 , 带著沉重和难过的心说 :这是一篇不错的信息,但是跟 圣 经有什么关系呢?