So in closing, do you understand what you're seeing?
So in closing, I know a lot of students who are philosophy majors here in Princeton.
So in closing, simply put, if you don't tech up, in most instances your opponent will tech up, and with that superior technology they will walk all over you.
So when the fall in commodity prices hit earnings, mining firms responded with swift and deep cuts, closing mines and deferring new projects.
And so, with a Gallic shrug, Carrefour is closing up shop in much of South-East Asia.
So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP.
So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP.
所以,例如,从上面的JSP接受的如或 这样的标记必须有一个闭括号,如清单8 所示。
So I think all of those things are shown as evidence that China, in particular, is closing the gap.
But in that way I know you are closing " So if you're freshman write "one", " if you're sophomore, write down "two".
The MXML files are well-formed XML files, so I associate them in Eclipse with the XML editor to take advantage of the XML editor's features, such as formatting and tag closing.
Where possible, leave the wrench on the valve so a quick closing of the valve can be made in the event of an emergency.
I am providing two charts of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (closing price only) so that you can visually see what Gann was describing in his Square of 52 course.
Because any point on the door is always in translational motion when the door is opening or closing, so the design of the door has its own specificity.
The enemy was closing in and so was the night of the full moon.
The pulse width modulator SG3525 has been used in various areas for its functions such as locking for the lack of pressure, closing system fault, soft starting, delaying PWM drive and so on.
So, in closing, my love... tonight, luck my in bed warmly.
A man who dresses the United States Olympic team for the opening and closing ceremonies, and who (because he got in trouble, admittedly) is now doing so in Made-in-America stuff.
WA 8525 has slightly pull up effect power. So it can be added to oils in order to improve the closing and feel.
WA 8525有轻微变色,故能添加入油脂组份里,增强其封闭性,改善手感。
But the quadratic curve can be used only in condition when each X-coordinate of the points sequence mapping to only one Y-coordinate, so it can't be used in fitting closing curve.
Time for the third kind of closing well is so long that flange steel ring groove on the top of casing-head is heavily corroded in M4 well being situated in Tarim basin.
In a black casket, and in a white cloth, she was closing her eyes, but her wrinkles were gone so that she looked much younger.
In a black casket, and in a white cloth, she was closing her eyes, but her wrinkles were gone so that she looked much younger.
So providing with a good excuse in the closing paragraph is indispensable for readers to answer your leter.
That was when the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 12807.51 — which, at least so far, is the Dow's closing high for the rally that began in March 2009.
That was when the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 12807.51 — which, at least so far, is the Dow's closing high for the rally that began in March 2009.