I've never had a partner so in sync with my rather odd vibes.
If you like, you can sync everything up so that the same music is playing in every room.
Sync lets you save your browser settings online, in the cloud, so theyaren't lost even if your computer melts down.
It means following through on that conviction and turning around-changing your mind and your heart so that you are no longer at odds with God but in sync with God.
Doctors were unable to provide a medical explanation for her condition but believe the various parts body are out of sync and so are not developing in a co-ordinated manner.
Because if we're doing something very different from the rest of the organization, we have to make sure that we keep in sync with them so that we don't lose them, right?
Our cache is only useful if it is accurate, so we need to make sure that it is in sync with our server.
So here my element pastes the text label in the shadow tree, and stays in sync with the label at all times.
Is very well designed, simple to use and, as with many of the apps on this list, has smartphone and desktop versions as well so that everything stays in sync.
Second, we want to make it easier for developers to access cloud services so they can integrate services like Sencha.io Sync and Facebook/Twitter sign in, among others.
It is a sync point of the whole team so everyone in the whole team should be interested in it.
This means that the model is no longer in sync with the business model, and so the two must now be resynchronized.
Administrators can activate the updates, and export them so the development environment can be kept in sync with the run-time.
The provider team should also communicate those additional tests to the other provider teams and to the coordinator teams, so that all of the teams are in sync with the same set of tests.
Each of these views is kept in sync when an item is selected, so that the query can be analyzed in all three different ways.
This is a great way to adjust expectations so that you're more in sync when you connect after work.
In normal conversation, people find points on which to bond and so end up in sync, reflecting each other in words, tone and body language.
Documentation rarely stays in sync with the code, so do only the minimum necessary and depend on clearly written code and tests for the rest.
Scientists have found that some couples are so in tunethat their brains begin to work in sync.
Therefore, you need to define a maintenance process very early in the project, so that it is updated and kept in sync with any changes made to the sites which the portal is intended to replace.
The CDR start sec2er command ensures that replicates are automatically created on all tables in the user databases so that it can sync up the data with the cluster.
Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune that their brains begin to work in sync。
To do so, you can add a row to the CUSTOMER table in ABCFIN (which is the database with which we want to keep ABCINS in sync).
The osyncisdsync option tweaks XFS's sync/async behavior so that it is more in line with that of ext3.
However, in this case, the dictionary must be maintained as the sequence is modified, so that it stays in sync with the actual membership of the sequence.
So all networked objects in the game will be created on that client with their latest state, so they are in sync with the other participants of the game.
So what happens in humans when something prevents the circadian clock from synchronizing with seasonal changes, or when something simply throws the clock out of sync with the outside world?
Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune that their brains begin to work in sync.
Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune that their brains begin to work in sync.