So forget about the 100 things challenge, and instead just as yourself the questions. Is it really necessary? Can you live without it?
Even if the answer is no right now, it might be yes a few months from now, so don't just give up and forget about it.
I wanted a tool so easy to use that you could almost forget about drawing and just concentrate on WHAT you are trying to represent instead of HOW to draw it.
That it would just never happen, and so I would forget about it.
Ll: So why don't you just forget about it tonight, and mull it over during the weekend?
So should we just forget about synchronized, relegating it to the scrap heap of good ideas that have been subsequently improved upon?
Forget it Minmei. Look, I just need to find this letter, so can we please talk later?
We never forget we are alive and treasure it, just we are afraid of death, so we make great efforts to neglect this problem.
I I know, and it takes so much time from his class work. Maybe he could just forget about sports for now.
So I didn't pay very close attention: just enough to pass the course and forget this hateful topic forever, because I didn't think it had anything to do with programming.
I forget what the thing I need is called, so I just call it a whatchamacallit.
Celia put it into Julia's hands. "here. Grasp it." Celia said, "it's just something small so that you'll never forget me."
GAURAV: With the library we actually intended it very pragmatically: I lend you a book, I don't want to forget so I'll just note it in the system.
So I didn't pay very close attention: just enough to pass the course and forget this hateful topic forever because I didn't think it had anything to do with programming.
G - Not as sorry as I am. The truth is, after so many years you begin to lose more than just your appetite. You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
You believe you and your friend are those characters so it is easy to crawl into their skin and just be. You can forget yourself.
Everybody's got their own, but there's a lot of things that we can talk about to help us forget how rough it is out there, and so we can just sort of celebrate the optimistic part of life.
Everybody's got their own, but there's a lot of things that we can talk about to help us forget how rough it is out there, and so we can just sort of celebrate the optimistic part of life.