When I tried to defend my parents against his attacks, it just seemed to make him angrier so I let it go.
So, if you’re holding onto old grudges for the sake of it, it might just be time to let go.
So, I let go of my expectations of how the holiday should be and started to enjoy it just the way it was.
So by all means, let allophilia be studied, measured and encouraged. Just remember: state-sponsored cultural events may not be the best way to go about it.
Mike: So I'll ask you again. Just let it go.
It is not that I don't love you, just want to love yourself more, so will let go of you.
If it's a negative thought, just immediately neutralize it by saying to yourself, Could I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than what I think it is?
Just let your worries go, since you can't solve any problem by worrying. So suck it up, and quit thinking about what might go wrong. Just live life.
Gary: OK, I get you So you will just let it go like that '? You will be such a woman like that?
I get these tinglings alot in the third eye area and crown area and used to think that they were just working on me and so... let it go.
You don't know what he is thinking about, so, why not just let it go?
I do not recall where I read this sentence: If you no longer love someone, just let it go, so you give someone else a chance to love her.
If it's over, let it go and come tomorrow it will seem... so yesterday, so yesterday. I'm just a bird that's already flown away.
So do you have some effective way to avoild or at least reduce this problem, or just let it go?
So it would be a huge mistake just to let the company go bust.
It rains quite often recently, but it would be a waste to let this long weekend to end just like that, so in the end we decided to go for a walk in Coaling Historic Trail in our rain coats.
It rains quite often recently, but it would be a waste to let this long weekend to end just like that, so in the end we decided to go for a walk in Coaling Historic Trail in our rain coats.