Dr. Roberts, writing in Every Man in Health, asserts: "It may safely be stated that, just as the majority eat too much, so the majority sleep too much."
There are also many other problems of the left behind children, such as having no ability to protect themselves, unhealthy lifestyles, spending too much pocket money and too much time on the Internet and so on.
So long methods not only do too much work, but they require too much work to understand!
We often give our fears far too much power by perceiving them to be much bigger than they really are, so shrink them down to size.
Again, a vague, open ended goal like "save more money" leaves you too much wiggle room and makes it far too easy to never do so much as get started.
We showed too much respect and you cannot leave Bayern so much room or else you risk getting rolled over.
Once you've gotten the spotlight you've only got so much time before someone else will want it, so don't ramble on too much.
But they have borrowed more too: so much more that their savings ratio is much lower than the Germans'.
Not too much, of course: it has truly been said that never in history have so many educated people devoted so much attention to so few children.
If the tempo is faster, people walk faster too. They don't stop to look so much, and they don't buy as much.
The audience can remember only so much. Covering too much material in too little time doesn't benefit the audience.
Your local bank probably won't change much - they offer so little on the average savings account that it doesn't matter too much.
Other companies have decided to deal with too much information by giving up any attempt to manage it on the grounds that to do so costs too much.
One of the problems is that so much of this entrepreneurial activity is carried out on too tiny a scale to make much cash.
Isn't it generally true that when people have too much theysimply increase their standard of living so that they no longer feelthey have too much?
Financial globalisation itself, they imply, ought to be seen not so much as a bad thing, but as too much of a good one.
Don't eat too much. Don't eat so much.
We play so much on computers that too much valuable time is wasted.
So I’ve come up with some tips on how to have a summer vacation without spending too much money, and I call them, “Ellen’s Tip on How to Have a Summer Vacation Without Spending too Much Money.”
Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
We don't put too much value on liberation, not so much demand.
So far, the present Road traffic Safety Law seems to show too much mercy to drunken drivers even though they have caused much trouble to the society.
The language of the world, the text has been too much too much, stacked too thick too thick, so it can not be created through the frivolous.
The language of the world, the text has been too much too much, stacked too thick too thick, so it can not be created through the frivolous.