Dear Dad, you have always cherished the memory of childhood to take me to the park to play, when your big hand, so strong, thank you for my training, I wish a happy Father's Day!
Although refactoring and change is always possible later, things will go more smoothly if you get strong definitions for the interfaces up front, so that you can minimise later changes to them.
But may you not grow too strong, though, so that you reject the help and love and caring of others who wish to be there for you.
I imagined I was drinking coffee elsewhere. Some Arabic-speaking country where the thick coffee served in little cups was so strong it could keep you awake for days.
My need for you is so strong that I cannot help pretending too much.
Dad, I offer my gratitude to you for so many years I have the patience and love I wish you had a strong enough flavor, birthday!
Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? If not, do you think you would ever be strong enough to do so?
But my love for you is so strong that I hope you may come to me and stay with me.
Uranus is now in Pisces, so his effect will be strong for you.
If so, you can talk about how this subject area was a particularly strong interest for you.
Recalling the strong point of street's so cold you can not feel for you ignorant.
With so many games in the season and such a strong squad at Arsenal it is normal that you will miss some games and the boss will be keen to keep players fresh for the whole season.
Don't be so focused on looking for your weaknesses that you forget to ask about your strong points.
Then I would buy you a bigger toothbrush for your big teeth and make sure that you brushed them every night so they'd stay healthy and strong.
So when you feel your foundation is strong enough and your footing is sure - go for it!
Of course, as said, this fall will be incredibly strong for you, so there's a chance you could meet someone new now, too.
We are also looking for schools with a strong international reputation, so that when you graduate, employers will recognize the quality of the education from University in which you attended.
I won't forget the way you kissing, the feeling so strong were lasting for so long.
Asking whether now is the time for tech implies that you wouldn't want to miss a strong rebound in the technology sector, so you must make sure you're on board before the train leaves the station.
Asking whether now is the time for tech implies that you wouldn't want to miss a strong rebound in the technology sector, so you must make sure you're on board before the train leaves the station.