It is considered that morality anomie among postgraduates as well as the discrepancy between the goal and the means cause the scientific misconduct by Social anomie theory.
Because of social anomie, deviance culture and the weakening of social control, peasant deviance generalizes, collective deviant behavior increases, and peasant deviant behavior shows "modern style".
Moral anomie in the social environment, the social credit system breakdown, the judicial system is also confronted with credit crisis.
Second part of the "Lei Feng's life away," the main writer on social and moral anomie expressed concern with the creative thinking stage.
Result: the college students' mental healthy is related to the bad latent stimulation. The bad latent stimulation contains social cultural, campus and group cultural anomie and family cultural anomie;
Result: the college students' mental healthy is related to the bad latent stimulation. The bad latent stimulation contains social cultural, campus and group cultural anomie and family cultural anomie;