The China's lawyers are playing an important role in maintaining social equality and justice.
Restorative justice is a new model of justice, which advocates that justice should repair the damage and rebuild the social relations of equality in the mediation and consultations.
The equality of rights and duties meets the fundamental requirements of social justice.
Strong motivation in promote educational equality and social justice;
Justice is usually understood as including such social virtues as fairness, equality, and correct and impartial treatment.
Emerging from protecting the claim of citizens equality, the judicial aid system aims at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, which reflects social equity and justice.
Medical assistance system, an important measure of Anti-social exclusion must be executed according to the theory of distributive justice and the theory of health equality.
As the worm in apple kills your appetite, the hidden rules are consuming our social credibility and effectiveness, in the long run destroy the spirit of justice and equality.
Although there are still some problems to solve in social justice and equality in employment, the American women have made a great progress in the social status.
Although there are still some problems to solve in social justice and equality in employment, the American women have made a great progress in the social status.