Greater efforts were made to safeguard people's rights and interests and ensure social fairness and justice.
A lawyer shall maintain the legal rights and interests of a client, maintain the correct enforcement of law, and maintain the social fairness and justice.
Article 3 a lawyer shall maintain the legal rights and interests of a client, maintain the correct enforcement of law, and maintain the social fairness and justice, through the practice of law.
As I said at the beginning, Shared responsibility, solidarity, and a commitment to fairness and social justice are among the most important qualities for health leadership today.
When a health system strives for universal coverage, it articulates a value system, driven by fairness, social justice, and respect for the needs and aspirations of all people.
Second, Shared responsibility, solidarity, and a commitment to fairness and social justice are among the most important qualities for health leadership today.
And thank you, ministries of health in this region, for your unwavering commitment to equity, fairness, and social justice, to prevention as well as cure.
In addition, the rampancy of such cheating is undermining the principles of social justice and fairness.
Shendu can make for the realization of justice and fairness in social network.
Justice is usually understood as including such social virtues as fairness, equality, and correct and impartial treatment.
The fundamental characteristic of media's social responsibility is the respect to individual's life and the essence of it is fairness and justice.
The fundamental characteristic of media's social responsibility is the respect to individual's life and the essence of it is fairness and justice.