Large-scale unemployment will lead to social instability.
This is also the factor leading to the social instability.
She also lived with more personal financial and social instability.
In addition, that kind of fluctuation would lead to social instability.
There is a saying that family instability causes social instability.
China has kept a close watch for social instability as unemployment has surged.
One reason for all the high anxiety about higher education is the fear of social instability.
Poverty problem is considered to be a serious social problem that leads to the social instability.
But what about social instability - why were the Japanese so accepting of such a shocking contraction in growth?
If the conflict between mining companies and local resident is dealed properly, social instability will be increased.
If such a quiet life and the then relative social instability ratio is simply a billowing out of this world of Xanadu.
At the very least there would be a surge in social instability and Japanese voters would have revolted against their leaders.
China's fear is that increasing unemployment will lead to social instability, as it did when many state-run firms were closed a decade ago.
There are thousands of factories bankruptcy in the south of china that cause some people worry about the social instability for unemployment arise.
This not only seriously hinders the course of industrialization and urbanization of our country, but also causes many hidden troubles for social instability.
Taylor says Japanese policy makers could be pressured into changing the defense relationship only if domestic anger increases to a point of social instability.
With the number of strangers increasing, the conflicts between them are becoming more and more complicated. This is also the factor leading to the social instability.
From the point of view of interest, the most important cause of social instability is the antagonism and conflict of interest resulted from the differentiation of interest.
Still others argue that in a society where the majority of people cannot afford housing, the industry will not sustain itself and social instability could be on the horizon.
There is very little Chinese policymakers can do in the short run without causing a collapse in the export sector and a rise in unemployment so rapid that it could lead to social instability.
In case of any rural financial institution failure, deposits of farmers will suffer the loss, the interests of middle or small depositors will be impaired and social instability may concern.
In case of any rural financial institution failure, deposits of farmers will suffer the loss, the interests of middle or small depositors will be impaired and social instability may concern.