Gender is one of the important sociocultural factors influencing one's communicative competence.
The health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors.
Some of the sociocultural factors that prevent women and girls to benefit from quality health services and attaining the best possible level of health include
Social discrimination and stigma was one of the key factors that facilitated the post detox relapse, and also one of the important sociocultural factors that hindered harm reduction.
Learner motivation is influenced by many factors, among which sociocultural-related factors, family-related factors and school-related factors are considered to be the most important.
The hidden cost of urban life affect migration will and capacity, which consists of Macro-institutional factors, personal qualities and abilities as well as the sociocultural practices and so on.
The hidden cost of urban life affect migration will and capacity, which consists of Macro-institutional factors, personal qualities and abilities as well as the sociocultural practices and so on.