The mobile phase consisted of sodium acetate solution, water and methanol.
For each 30 milliliters of sodium acetate solution provided for the bacteria, the device generated between 21 and 26 milliliters of hydrogen gas over the course of a day.
Cellulose acetate reverse-osmosis membranes must be stored, when NOT in use, in a solution (sodium metabisulfite) that prevents microorganism growth.
Sodium acetate, the chemical found in many hand warmers, will suddenly crystallize if you prepare a saturated solution and pour it onto a seed crystal.
This method is applicable to rapidly determine Methamidophos with GC. Methamidophos in rice is extracted with ethyl acetate to prepare sample solution that dries with sodium sulfate.
This method is applicable to rapidly determine Methamidophos with GC. Methamidophos in rice is extracted with ethyl acetate to prepare sample solution that dries with sodium sulfate.